Rita Freedman & Alyson Thomson (Co-Chairs), Libby Borden, Joel Howard, Walter Godlewski.

Thank you to everyone who joined us at bridge last year. Our mission is to make sure that the games at the Club continue to be fun, entertaining and well-attended.  The Committee will host games on Tuesday evenings in the Great room and on Friday afternoons in the Bar.  All members who enjoy the game of bridge are invited to sign up.


Tuesday Night Bridge commences on June 4th at 7:00 pm. Everyone is encouraged to come to the optional buffet dinner at 6:00 pm. All members and their guests are welcome to attend the dinner and to enjoy drinks at the bar or on the porch for as long as the Club remains open. 

Tables will be set up in the Great Hall for the bridge players and the game will begin promptly at 7:00 pm. And yes, the bar will be open during play!

There will be a sign-up each week. An email will be sent out by the Committee to all those members who have played bridge in the past or who have indicated that they would like to play. If, for whatever reason, you do not receive these weekly emails, please ask a member of the bridge Committee to add you to the bridge players’ email list. You will automatically receive a timely sign-up request emailed to you each week.

All sign-ups must be received by midnight on Sunday for that week’s Tuesday game. Please indicate at that time if you have a partner and sign up as a team and if you will be signing up for the buffet beforehand. As is customary, we will try to help fill any partial tables, but alas, if not filled, the last names to sign-up will not be able to play that week.  


Partners: Enter your name and your partner’s name in the email. Please enter both names together. Example: Freedman / Thomson. 

Individuals: If you do not have a partner, enter your name only as an individual. 


Weekly Prizes: Three dollars for the kitty will be collected from each bridge player at check-in, with prizes awarded each Tuesday to the four highest scoring pairs of the night.

Guests: Guests are welcome to attend with a sponsoring member and if invited may play unlimited games throughout the season. The guest fee to play bridge is $10.00 (chit basis) per evening. Members must sign in their guests upon arrival.


The game scoring method this season is going to be the same as duplicate bridge.

*Four deals are played 
*Each deal is scored separately, with an additional 50 points added to the partial score. Bonuses for making a game are only awarded if the game is bid. There are no partial scores carried over from deal to deal.
*The score is totaled after the four deals.
*The N-S team does not move, the E-W team moves to the next table.

Vulnerability varies from deal to deal in a fixed pattern as follows:

*1st Deal: Neither side is vulnerable
*2nd Deal: Dealer’s side is vulnerable
*3rd Deal: Dealer’s side is vulnerable
*4th Deal: Both Sides are vulnerable

The score for each hand: # of tricks plus bonus 50.
Game Bonus (non-vulnerable): 300
Game Bonus (vulnerable): 500

There will be a more detailed guide on each table and someone from the bridge committee will be present for each game to answer any questions that may arise.

FRIDAY BARROOM BRIDGE commences on June 7th at 4 pm until 6pm.  The game is more casual.  Bridge Light, if you will!  Laughter and friendship enter heavily into the equation, as does help in playing a hand. Questions are welcome, even in the middle of play. This is the place for anyone wanting a soft, fun introduction to the wonderful game of bridge. We all want you to build your level of comfort as well as skill and confidence! Afterwards, staying on for the always convivial, delicious dinner is a big plus, and a welcome relaxation after the concentration at the tables. All NCC members are welcome, whatever level of player. Beginners learn, and those with more advanced knowledge enjoy helping the newbies! And yes, the bar will be OPEN during play!

A call for players will be sent via email on Monday to everyone who has expressed an interest in Barroom bridge.  A request to be included needs to be sent by midnight Thursday

Please note there are no assigned teams, so we will have individual sign-ups only on Fridays. The tables, of which there are a maximum of three, will be ‘floating’, meaning players will get to play and learn with a variety of partners with varying skill levels.  As is customary, we will try to fill any partial tables but alas, if not filled, the last names to sign-up will not be able to play that week.  

FINAL NOTE: Bridge tables can be set up by Club staff for any member wanting to form a private game at times other than Tuesday evenings and Friday afternoons. Please contact the manager (860 542-5606).